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OHS Paradox, WBUC programs earn state recognition

Two Oswego High School student programs earned statewide recognition recently during the Empire State School Press Association conference and awards ceremony.
The annual conference, held at Syracuse University, provides hands-on workshops for high school students in print and digital media. Throughout the day, students engage in discussion and activities designed to sharpen their skills.
The highlight of the day for the OHS contingent was during the closing awards ceremony, when two Buc programs earned prestigious honors. The 2023 Paradox Yearbook earned the distinction as Best Overall Yearbook, while the WBUC Student TV Program took home the top prize for 2023 Representation in Student Media. Additionally, the Paradox team earned silver for 2023 Yearbook Cover Design as well as Honorable Mention for its 2023 Literary Magazine.
“We are beyond excited for our students who put so much work into the Paradox and WBUC programs,” said OHS teachers Matt Bock, Kim Nelson and Casey Smith. “They continue to think progressively and are incredibly innovative in their work. These awards are a testament to their creativity and hard work.”
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