Annual Notifications
The Board of Education affirms its commitment to non-discrimination and recognizes its responsibility to provide for all District students and employees an environment that is free of sexual harassment, including sexual violence. Sexual harassment including sexual violence is a violation of law and stands in direct opposition to District policy. Therefore, the Board prohibits and condemns all forms of sexual harassment by employees, school volunteers, students, and non-employees such as contractors and vendors which occur on school grounds and at all school-sponsored events, programs and activities including those that take place at locations off school premises and in another state.
**See Board Policies 6121 and/or 7551**
Members of the school community who experience or observe discrimination should immediately report their experience or observation to the District’s Title IX Coordinator.
New to the Oswego City School District and you would like to enroll your child in school? Information regarding student registration packets and additional information are available on the district website at and can be found on the Central Registration Page. Registration for any grade level is available during regular school hours.
A birth certificate, up-to-date immunization records, proof of residency and custody papers (if applicable) are required at the time of registration.
You may register your child by visiting the Central Registration Office, 1 Buccaneer Blvd., within the Education Center. Please use the playground entrance or call 315-341-2045 for more information.
UPK Children who turn age 4 by Dec. 1, 2023 are eligible to register for the 2023-24 school year.
Kindergarten Children who turn age 5 by Dec. 1, 2023 are eligible to register for the 2023-24 school year.
Items needed for registration:
- Birth certificate
- Proof of residence (most current date)
- Immunization records
- Physical
- Custody paperwork (if applicable)
In accordance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), parents/guardians are entitled to information about the professional qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers. This includes information about state certification, the teacher’s bachelor degree major, and any other certifications or degrees. Parents/guardians wishing to request a teacher’s composite score must do so in writing to the Superintendent of Schools.
A continuum of special education programs and services are available to students, based
upon individual needs as identified through the Oswego City School District CSE.
They include:
- Regular education classes with accommodations
- Consultant teacher services
- Regular education classes with related services
- Resource room instruction
- Integrated co-teaching services
- Special class
If you suspect your child may have a disability, please contact your building Principal or the Executive Director of Special Education and Student Services to discuss your concerns.
Each school district in New York State is required to have a Committee on Special Education (CSE). The Board of Education must annually appoint the members of the CSE which must include a teacher or administrator of special education, a school psychologist, the student’s teacher, a special education teacher, the parent of the student with a disability (or suspected disability), and a school physician (upon parental request). The main function of the CSE is to work with parents in developing recommendations to the Board of Education regarding their child’s classification, evaluation, and educational programs to ensure that all students are able to progress within the general education curriculum. Parents who are concerned about their child’s learning progress or emotional development and believe their child may require special education services can make referrals directly to the CSE by writing a letter requesting an evaluation and submitting it to the school psychologist or the Special Education Office at 1 Buccaneer Blvd., Oswego, NY 13126.
Each school district in New York State is required to have a Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). Programs are available through the county for disabled children between the ages of 3-5. If you believe your preschool child is experiencing delays in any area, contact the Special Education Office for an evaluation at no cost to you.
Oswego employs full-time New York State certified Speech and Language Therapists and Pathologists. Instruction takes place in five major areas: language, auditory and visual skills, semantics, social speech, and articulation. Formal diagnostic testing determines which students are in need of speech and language therapy. Speech and language remediation is also provided to students who demonstrate minor articulation delays which require short term intervention.
For the child’s safety, it is required that all UPK, kindergarten and special education students parents/guardians meet the bus and assist their child getting on and off the bus. Oswego City School District students will only be dropped off when a visible adult is present at the location. If there is no adult, the child will not be let off the bus and will be brought back to school.
When schools are closed or delayed because of weather conditions or due to emergencies, early announcements will be made over local television stations, their respective websites and via our school website and through the ParentSquare. If you do not wish to receive a phone call from School Messenger notifying you of an emergency closing, please contact the school technology department at 315-341-2024.
When it is necessary to close school, the district will call the following designated “official” stations: WSTM, WTVH, WSYR and YNN. These stations will broadcast this information, which will typically be on the air by 6 a.m. If you have any doubts about the opening of school, it is suggested that you keep your TV on or check the district’s website.
In the event of an emergency midday dismissal, high school and middle school students will be released first. Elementary children will be sent home second. Dismissal times will vary, but you will be notified of the latest information through School Messenger. If all five emergency closing days are used and additional days are needed, make up days will be made up on the first available recess period.
The following actions are prohibited on school grounds and at school functions: smoking; vaping; using tobacco products; and/or using or ingesting any form of cannabis. Smoking and vaping are prohibited within 100 feet of the entrances, exits, or outdoor areas of any of the District’s schools. However, this prohibition does not apply to smoking or vaping in
a residence, or within the real property boundary lines of residential real property. Exceptions may exist for authorized medical cannabis use.
For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
a) “Electronic cigarette” (or “e-cigarette”) means an electronic device delivering vapor inhaled by an individual user, and includes any refill, cartridge, and any other component of such
a device.
b) “School function” means a school-sponsored or school-authorized extracurricular event or activity regardless of where the event or activity takes place, including any event or activity that may take place virtually or in another state.
c) “School grounds” means any building, structure, and surrounding outdoor grounds, including entrances or exits, contained within the District’s preschool, nursery school, elementary, or secondary school’s legally defined property boundaries as registered in the County Clerk’s Office, as well as any vehicles used to transport children or school personnel.
d) “Smoking” means the burning of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other matter or substance containing tobacco, cannabis, or cannabinoid hemp.
e) “Tobacco products” means cigarettes or cigars, bidis, chewing tobacco, powdered tobacco, nicotine water, or any other tobacco products.
f) “Vaping” means the use of an electronic cigarette.
The District will prominently post signs prohibiting smoking and vaping on school grounds in accordance with applicable law. Appropriate District officials will inform individuals smoking or vaping in a non-smoking area that they are in violation of law and/or District policy.
The District will communicate this policy to staff, students, parents/guardians, volunteers, visitors, contractors, and outside groups through means such as the District’s Code of Conduct, student handbooks, newsletters, announcements, facilities use forms/agreements, and/or the prominent display of this policy in appropriate locations.
Prohibition of Tobacco Promotional Items/Tobacco Advertising Tobacco promotional items (e.g., brand names, logos, and other identifiers) are prohibited:
a) On school grounds;
b) In any vehicles used to transport students or school personnel;
c) At school functions;
d) In school publications;
e) On clothing, shoes, accessories, gear, and school supplies in accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct and applicable collective bargaining agreements.
This prohibition of tobacco promotional items will be enforced in accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct and applicable collective bargaining agreements. The District will request, whenever possible, tobacco free editions of periodical publications for school libraries and classroom use.
20 USC §§ 6081-6084 and 7971-7974
41 USC § 8101 et seq.
Education Law § 409
Penal Law § 222.10
Public Health Law §§ 1399-n, 1399-o, 1399-p, and 1399-aa
8 NYCRR §§ 155.5 and 156.3
Refer also to Policies
#7320 -- Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Other Substances (Students)
#8240 -- Instruction in Certain Subjects
District Code of Conduct
For the safety of our students, staff and visitors, the School District employs camera surveillance equipment for security purposes. Surveillance cameras will generally be utilized only in public areas where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. Public areas may include school buses, building entrances, hallways, parking lots, front offices where students, employees, and parents come and go, gymnasiums during public activities, cafeterias, and supply rooms. District surveillance cameras will not be installed in private areas such as restrooms, locker rooms, changing areas, private offices or classrooms.
The district has installed a blue light system at Oswego High School and at Leighton Elementary. The emergency blue light lockdown system will be used in the event of an emergency lockdown. The purpose of the blue lights is to warn visitors, employees and students that are outside the buildings, that they are not to approach the building when the lights are flashing. During the activation of the blue light system, no one will be allowed to enter either building. Due to the proximity of both schools on the campus, engaging of the alarm for the blue lights affects both buildings simultaneously. Administration of both schools and the Superintendent’s Office have been trained on this system.
- When blue lights are flashing, do not approach the buildings.
- You will not hear an alarm.
- Do not stand or linger outside of the buildings’ perimeter.
- If you are at the door, please return to your vehicle.
- If you are in your car, stay there.
- If you or students are in the playground, or on the fields in the vicinity of the buildings, please find a safe place to hide.
- All doors will be locked and key cards will be inactivated, for both buildings.
- Following a resolution of an incident, the blue lights will be deactivated.
The Oswego City School District has a single point of entry in each of its school buildings for visitors. During school hours, all visitors must use the front doors and report to the office. Access beyond that point may be granted, however, you must provide a government issued identification before a visitor badge is issued.
The Oswego City School District utilizes the Raptor screening system for all visitors requesting access to our school buildings. The Raptor system performs a background check, which includes the Sex Offender Registry. All visitors must present government issued identification and pass the Raptor screening process to be provided a visitor badge and be granted access to school buildings.
To ensure that no unauthorized persons enter buildings, all visitors to the schools during the school day will report to the school main entrance to receive authorization before visiting elsewhere in the building. Temporary ID stickers will be issued to temporary employees, staff, vendors, volunteers and visitors each time they need to enter a school building during school hours. The ID sticker is to be worn in a highly visible manner while in the building or while on schools grounds. The stickers need to be surrendered when reason for entry is complete or no later than the end of the school day. Sign in is also required for student pick-up and drop off, but a badge will not be issued.
Unauthorized persons will not be permitted in school buildings or on school grounds. School administrators and school employees are authorized to take appropriate action to prevent such individuals from entering the building and from loitering on school grounds.
The Oswego City School District is a pesticide free district. However, if an emergency application is necessary to protect against imminent threat to human health, this district will make a good-faith effort to notify in writing all persons in parental relations and staff members prior to the emergency application. If the product used falls under those classified as exempt under education law 409.H, the notification is not required. For more information on the district’s pest management policies and procedures please call the Director of Facilities at 315-341-2006.
As provided under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, (AHERA– EPA 40 CFR 793), the ABC City School District hereby makes known the steps it has undertaken to comply with AHERA and the availability of asbestos management plans.
Beginning in 1989, all district owned facilities were inspected for asbestos and management plans were developed for each building according to the requirements of AHERA. The District conducts re-inspections every three years. Oswego County CiTi BOCES completed the 2022 AHERA Triennial inspection. Periodic surveillance of asbestos containing building material is conducted every six months. The custodial and maintenance staff has undergone asbestos awareness training. All response actions taken are within federal and state guidelines.
The management plan may be viewed at the District Office during normal business hours at the Education Center – 1 Buccaneer Blvd, Oswego, NY 13126. For additional information, please contact the Director of Facilities III, L.E.A. Designee at 315-341-2906.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of students’ educational records. FERPA gives students 18 and older and parents/guardians, whose rights are not limited by court order or formal agreement, the right to inspect and review any and all education records maintained by the School District. Under this law, the District may release personally identifiable information contained in student education records only if it has received a signed and dated written consent from a parent or eligible student. The law does provide for a release of information, without consent, when it is related to a limited number of circumstances, including, for example, directory information, to those who have a legitimate educational interest, and to juvenile justice state and local authorities. The Board of Education has established policies for maintaining the confidentiality of student education records, and for providing access to such records for parental review. Copies of relevant policies are available online, via Board Docs. Please direct any questions about the right to review student records to the respective building principal. The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) to the federal Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents certain rights regarding district surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. Parents will be provided an opportunity to opt out.
The Oswego Athletics Department now utilizes online registration through FamilyID (
FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our sports programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and programs. *You MUST upload a current physical (within the last 12 months) when registering your son/daughter.
If you need assistance with registration, contact FamilyID at: or 1-888-800-5583.
Support is available seven days per week and messages will be returned promptly.
The District is an active partner with students and parents in the task of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the New York State Learning Standards. We recognize that consistent school attendance, academic success, and school completion are all related. Consistent attendance provides the student with opportunities to participate in class discussions as well as listen to the dialogue between others and their teachers.
Excused absences include those due to illness or death in the family, impassable roads due to inclement weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits and cooperative work programs, military obligations, or other reasons as may be approved by the Board. Unexcused absences, tardiness, or early departures include those not related to the reasons stated above, such as family vacations, hunting, babysitting, haircuts, obtaining learner’s permits or taking the licensing road test, and/or oversleeping. Students who are absent from class for approved reasons or due to participation in a school sponsored activity are to arrange with their teachers to make up any work missed in a timely manner, as determined by the student’s teacher. Attendance at school sponsored extracurricular events may depend on attendance at school that day.
The Oswego City School District likes to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff. Throughout the year, the Public Relations Department and district staff may take photographs of students and school activities. These photographs may appear in various District materials, including the District’s website (, newsletters, yearbooks, brochures, social media pages, district calendar, etc. We, at times, may also publicize student work.
If you DO NOT want your child’s name/photo/work publicized for these purposes you are asked to inform your child’s principal, in writing. A simple, written, signed note stating: Please do not photograph my child for use in publications and/or web, including your child’s name and grade level. You may either drop off the note in person or mail it to the school your child is attending.
If you have any questions regarding this student photograph practice, please feel free to contact either your child’s principal or the Superintendent’s Office.
Great news! All enrolled students of the Oswego City School District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to your household each day of the school year. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without charge. This benefit only applies to complete breakfasts and lunches, other items are available to purchase.
The Oswego City School District (OCSD) utilizes Google Workspace for Education. Google Workspace for Education is a set of education productivity tools including Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Classroom, and more used by students and teachers around the world. OCSD students will use their Google accounts to interact with learning materials, complete assignments, communicate with their teachers, sign into their devices, and learn 21st century digital citizenship skills.
Generally, the same standards of acceptable student conduct which apply to any school activity shall apply to use of district network resources. Students who engage in unacceptable use may lose access to their account and the Internet, and may be subject to further discipline under the District’s school conduct and discipline policy and the Student Discipline Code of Conduct.
We provide all enrolled students a district Google account. If you DO NOT want your child to utilize a Google account you must inform the district technology office, annually in writing. For additional information about accounts, and for information to opt-out of technology use, please visit the Instructional Technology Department page from the website.