iReady at OMS
i-Ready is an online program for Reading and Mathematics that will help your student’s teachers determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor their progress throughout the school year.
i-Ready allows your child's teachers to challenge your student at their instructional level in each subject. The program provides opportunities for your student to close existing gaps in their foundational learning from previous grades, enriches their current English and Math learning and provides data to increase your student's overall learning gains in both subjects.
i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction.
Each Student at OMS takes the i-Ready Math and Reading Diagnostic three times per school year (September, January and May). Diagnostic Summary Reports for each student are mailed home with Report Cards.
To learn more about i-Ready please visit 'Curriculum Associates' and watch the following video:
iReady for Families
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about i-Ready are answered at the i-Ready Family Center (link below):
Included below is a Family Letter that will help everyone read and interpret the information on the i-Ready Math and/or Reading Diagnostic Reports mailed home with Report Cards.