Use of School Facilities, Materials and Equipment
FACILITY USE REQUESTIt is a goal of the Oswego City School District Board of Education to ensure full utilization of school facilities. Community groups will be permitted and encouraged to use school facilities when such use is in compliance with established regulations, involves activities open to all residents of the district, and does not interfere with the regular school and athletic program. Coordination among community groups which sponsor ongoing activities, municipal recreation programs, and the district’s Continuing Education program is encouraged to optimize use of school facilities.
School facilities may not be used for private gain. Requests involving admissions charges, registration fees, or sale of goods for profit can be approved only when proceeds from such activities are used to support civic, charitable, or educational purposes. The Board reserves the right to require an accounting of proceeds from any approved activity.
The superintendent, or the superintendent's designee, is authorized to approve requests for use of school facilities, and is directed to develop procedures and regulations for the administration of this policy.
Building Use Fee
Please keep in mind that when reserving space in our buildings, fees may be charged to offset associated custodial and maintenance costs. A custodian shall be on duty at all times when facilities inside a school building are in use. Such supervision will be provided “at no cost” during regular working hours. When overtime services are required, a fee of $125.00/HR. will be assessed to reimburse the district for this service. The fee will include a 1/2 hour for a custodian to open and to close the facility.
All organizations must meet insurance requirements and have a current Certificate of Insurance on file with the district.
Facility Use Regulations
1. Requests for use of school facilities should submit a request using the Master Library software at least two-weeks prior to the anticipated activity. Two weeks advance notice to the principal is recommended. Master Library Login Master Library New Account set-up
2. A custodian shall be on duty at all times when facilities inside a school building are in use. Such supervision will be provided “at no cost” during regular working hours. When overtime services are required, a fee of $125.00/HR. will be assessed to reimburse the district for this service. The fee will include a 1/2 hour for a custodian to open and to close the facility.
3. The school district may not aid or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, country of national origin, religion, sex, marital status or physical handicap. (ESEA Act of 1972, Title IX, Section 86.31 (b) para.7). Community groups and organizations should review their use of school facilities requests for conformity. The district reserves the right to require evidence of compliance with civil rights law.
4. Community groups are required to observe the district’s policies on smoking, drugs, and alcohol use. The sale or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs on school property is prohibited. The use of tobacco products on school property is also prohibited.
5. All activities conducted on school property shall conform with New York State law and municipal ordinances.
6. Organizations authorized to use school facilities assume responsibility for the conduct of both participants and spectators. Each group shall designate a responsible adult representative who must be present at all times. Arrangements for supervision of anticipated crowds must receive prior approval of the building principal.
7. School facilities must be left in the same condition as they are found. Desks, displays, etc. should not be disturbed. All electrical equipment or movable properties owned by the district shall at all times remain under the control of the district.
8. The district will assume no responsibility for equipment or property belonging to a community group or organization. Such property shall not be stored on school property, unless specifically approved by the superintendent or the superintendent's designee.
9. Community groups shall be liable for any damage to school property resulting from activities they sponsor. A check of the school facility shall be made before and after each activity by the “person in charge” and the custodian assigned.
10. If the pool is to be used, a certified lifeguard, with a valid American Red Cross Advanced Life Saving and Water Safety Certificate must be on duty. Each group is responsible for providing and paying its own lifeguard. Rules for use of the pool are posted in the poolroom and must be strictly observed.
11. Kitchen facilities are only available by prior arrangement with the Food Service Supervisor and only when a Food Service employee is on duty and/or available. Where pay for such services is required, including overtime pay, a fee will be assessed to reimburse the district for this service.
12. Vehicles are not allowed on grassed or athletic fields at any time. Parking for any large event should be controlled by sufficient personnel. Use of auxiliary police for this purpose may be required.
13. Admission charges, approved registration fees, or concessions may only be administered as stated on the request.
14. Except for rest room facilities, participants and spectators should remain in the area or room assigned for an activity.
15. The district assumes no liability for injuries resulting from community group activities. For certain activities, the district requires submission of a certificate of liability or insurance bond to the superintendent or the superintendent's designee. The certificate of insurance shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and must name the Oswego City School District as “Additional Insured”.
16. Use of district buildings or stadium on Sundays or holidays will result in fees for staff overtime and are contingent on the availability of staff.
17. The building principal, building custodian, and district officials responsible for Community Use of School Facilities will have free access to all facilities at all times.
18. The district reserves the right to revoke authorization to use school facilities at any time.
Classification of Groups
B. Community youth groups that serve the City of Oswego
C. Government units, youth recreation, cultural and charitable organizations
D. Community civic, service and non-profit educational and recreational organizations
Classification A: no charge except for additional costs to the district
Classification B: no charge except for additional costs to the district
Classification C: no charge except for additional costs to the district
Classification D: no charge except for additional costs to the district
** Theater use: Groups who wish to use the Robinson-Faust Theater will be billed for all costs incurred for the event.
Typical Custodial hours:
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 10:00pm
Saturday – 7:30am – 4:00pm (Leighton, High School, Middle School only)