Available Scholarships
**Please note that scholarships will continue to come in and applications will be added as we get them**
Group 1 - Scholarships & Awards
You will be considered for ALL Scholarships & Awards in Group 1 by completing the Oswego High School Scholarship Application. The application deadline for Group 1 Scholarships is: April 12th, 2024. Group 1 Scholarship applications must be submitted on the application available online and do not require a letter of recommendation.
Click here for Group 1 Application
Group 2 - Scholarships & Awards
Scholarships & Awards listed in Group 2 have individual applications; some relatively easy to complete and others requiring more time and/or letters of recommendation. If you are applying for a scholarship that requires a recommendation, remember to allow your evaluator sufficient time (at least one week) to complete your recommendation. If the recommendation is to be mailed, be sure to include a stamped, addressed envelope. Group 2 applications are available by clicking the links on each scholarship below and have individual deadline dates.
Please click HERE to see the list of Group 2 Scholarships AvailableGroup 3 - Scholarships & Awards
Scholarships & Awards listed in Group 3 do not require an application. Recipients are selected by a representative of that particular Scholarship or Award.
(click the link below)