Board of Education Committee Information
The Oswego City School District Board of Education has several committees to review and address district operations. The committees are formed annually at the Annual Organization Meeting each July.Committee Members for the 2024-2025 School Year are:
Audit Committee - Tom Ciappa, Dave Crisafulli (Chairperson) and Kristin Norfleet
The Audit Committee oversees the Annual Audit of the District and reports on its findings to the Board.
Community Relations Committee - Tom Ciappa and Sean Ohnmacht (Chairperson)
The Community Relations Committee will draft a statement of purpose and guidelines for membership, activities, duties and delegations of authority.
Facilities Committee - Sean Callen (Chairperson), Dave Crisafulli and Sean Ohnmacht
The Facilities Committee monitors Capital Projects, meets with architects, construction managers and facilities on future Capital needs in the District.
Policy Committee - Sean Callen, Julie Chetney and Kristin Norfleet (Chairperson)
The Policy Committee reviews and updates Policies and brings to the Board for approval.
Visitation Committee - Tom Ciappa, Julie Chetney (Chairperson) and Jim MacKenzie
The Visitation Committee will visit every school and department at least once annually and report on their conditions at the next Regular Meeting of the Board.