Oswego City School District's goal for Mathematics instruction is a well balanced approach of conceptual understanding of how mathematics works and a firm understanding of algorithms and procedures that will help students become better problem solvers.Resources:
Elementary: i-Ready Mathematics Classroom
Middle school (7-8):
i-Ready Mathematics Classroom
High School:
The mathematics program at the high school level includes courses for algebra readiness, consumer awareness and college preparation. In order to meet Regents graduation requirements, students must earn at least three (3) credits of mathematics. Students entering the ninth grade will be placed in a course according to the degree of success they obtained in 8th grade.
Students may be placed in Honors Math courses if they maintain a grade of 90 or above for all four quarters in a previous math course and receive a 90 or above on the regents. Once in the honors math course, students must maintain an average of 85 or above and receive an 85 or above on the regents to continue on to the next honors course.
3 NYS Regents Courses (See links below for Regents Test Prep)
Algebra 1: Adapting New York State Modules
Algebra 2 & Trigonometry:
Mathematics Courses:
Fundamentals of Algebra: Holt, Pre-Algebra
Mathematics Application A
Mathematics Application B
Math 12 A
Math 12 B
Mathematics of Sports
Pre-calculus Honors
Graphing Calculator I
Computer Math
Web Page Design
Computer Programming I and II
Math B2
Math B3
AP Courses
Advanced Placement Statistics
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
Courses offered in Fall 2009
Mathematics Application C