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Professional Learning

Staff development should not be perceived as something we do unto the weaker teacher or reserve for inexperienced staff members. All staff members, including principals, consultants, and teacher mentors, should be able to announce, "This is my year to study ----." There needs to be a genuine feeling that no one has arrived. Everyone needs to be swept up by the deeply engrained value placed on adult learning.
Shelley Harwayne

The term “professional development” means a comprehensive, substantiated, and intensive approach to improving teachers’ and principals’ effectiveness in raising student achievement.  Professional development fosters collective responsibility for improved student performance and must be comprised of professional learning that, among other things:

(1) is aligned with rigorous state student academic achievement standards as well as related local educational agency and school improvement goals,

(2) and is conducted among educators at the school and facilitated by well-prepared school principals and/or school-based professional development coaches, mentors, master teachers, or other teacher leaders.
(National Staff Development Council, 2009)

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